It's still impacting me ... there are things that etch deep, very deep.
I was in the most beautiful place in the world to live in with Sloughi.
I brought a magical four-legged bundle of happiness, met incredible people, pure characters. I was breathing air that still makes my head spin today.
Friends, I have no words. Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️. Thank you Ullis and her wonderful daughter Johanna, for the kindness,
the care, I send them warming hugs and congratulations to such a luxurious litter of puppies. I thank my children for making the trip with me, without
them I would have been lost in the Prague subway in the first place and most of all I thank my husband, without him none of this could happen. ❤️
I present to you all our little darling:
More photos in the photogallery.